Thursday, October 18, 2012

A Super Villain is Born; Part Two:

The Swim

I continued life in Frostville, in fact, I came out of my shell. I found a deep love for science, a girl named Betsy and the sport of diving. Each passion gave me something I wanted, and something society said I needed.

Science, intelligence; discovering the secrets of life was but a pipe dream, but analytical study gave me insight to how I should behave. I no longer visited the pond, instead I kept my thoughts hidden, cloaked. As I learned, I continued to impress faculty, college scouts, and most importantly, myself. At sixteen I created a car fueled by the carbon released from dry ice. My first run in with cold.

Elizabeth, I truly loved her. Science generally turns certain types of people away from me, but junior year, with my inventions causing a stir nationally I became something of a star. Betsy came to me, she started my rise in popularity. When I walked down the hall people cheered me. To nerds I was king, to jocks I was a ticket to riches, to women I was stability made corporeal. For the first time in my life I felt happy. Betsy inspired me to further my studies to strive further, she pulled the last of my cover off, and connected me to a new passion, swimming.

The love of my life, she had other relations before me, all sportsman. The star running back of the Frostville Yetis, the pitcher for the baseball team, and then a plushy scientist. I wanted to be better, more, for her. I joined the dive team, not because of interest, but because it seemed the easiest. I started to become what I assumed Betsy actually wanted. Pushing myself, becoming something more than a scientist.

Diving reminded me of something I had long forgotten. When I jumped from the dais I felt that freedom I had long yearned for. For the first time I felt what those stones felt. Even with my life on track and healthy, this feeling slowly corrupted me. The space I had created for myself now felt like four stone walks. I had to escape, but the safety was too welcoming, warm. I continued moving through the motions, but slowly everything felt disconnected. I needed more, and I would find a way to have it.


Stay tuned for Part Three next Wednesday. Use the links below and spread the word. Icicles can grow as they melt, just as my reign shall.

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